Aug 24, 2016

Got through the day

...and that was the goal after all.

I was very sad and withdrawn. I stayed home, watched TV, cooked, cleaned, completely turned off my phone and only talked to my sons.  It was a day.

I tried to focus on happy memories and I did for much of the day.

I keep telling myself it will get better.

On a good note, my blood sugar was perfect yesterday and I ate really well, despite baking cookies (I had one) and making cheese and onion pie for dinner.

I forgot to weigh myself this morning.  Will do that tomorrow and am also having my thyroid blood work done tomorrow which is good as I am feeling 'off'. Not sure if it's the heat wave we've been experiencing or the change in thyroid meds 2 months ago but I am feeling heavy, tired and lethargic in general.  Changing my diet did help tremendously and I am sleeping better than I was before both of these changes.

I'll keep you posted.

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